Our Story

 Our Mission

We meet the need of non-profits for pro-bono, high-quality strategic and operational advice by leveraging the top University of Virginia talent.

Traditional consulting services are often too expensive and inaccessible for non-profits and social enterprises, and most pro-bono services available to nonprofits do not have the track record or scale to make a meaningful, long-lasting impact.

At 180 Degrees Consulting UVA, we are committed to helping your organization achieve maximum social impact in the communities you serve by researching, designing, and delivering high-quality solutions to your foremost issues.

Our Awards 

Global Branch Award

This past year, our branch was
recognized by the 180DC Global
Leadership team as the Best New
Branch in the Americas Region.

This award acknowledges the
impact 180DC UVA has already had
and will continue to have in our
community. Following the excellent
precedent set by our founders and
recently graduated members, we
hope to continue improving our
branch and increasing our impact!